Sunday 24 April 2011

Review 4: Beauty Pop

   Next up for a review is, obviously, Beauty Pop. The first shoujo review! Hooray! I'm going to attempt to keep this short. Like that'll happen.

   Beauty Pop is a shoujo manga about a girl who is a hair cutting genius (better than it sounds) who in the beginning doesn't want to pursue a career in hairstyling, but through various means (father, rival, friends) ends up getting dragged into hairstyling more and more, and ends up joining a group of beauticians to try to create the number one salon in Japan. Or something like that. Once again, a lot better than it sounds.

   As with all the rest of the manga I've reviewed on here, I really enjoyed this manga. It is mainly a comedy, which I enjoy (I mainly like lighter, funny reads), and it actually stayed that way. Most shoujos that are supposed to be 'romantic comedies' end up losing the comedy part after about three to five volumes--max. Beauty Pop stayed pretty funny for quite a while, but it also had a hit of drama, as expected of a shoujo. It was not dragged out, and had what I thought was a happy ending. The art was good, not stellar, but not annoying or hard to interpret what's happening, and both the art and plot actually made sense. Which for shoujos is  saying more than you'd think (not pointing any fingers...). All in all, if you enjoy romantic comedies and are tired of shoujos with this label losing the 'comedy' part fairly quickly and then dragging on forever, then give Beauty Pop a read. It actually ends in less than 10 volumes (I think.). As I said, I am certainly sick of both of the afore mentioned things happening, and I liked this manga.

   And I think this is the shortest post since the introductory one. Anyways, thanks to for the picture.


  1. Gah, I want to read everything you've reviewed yet I know I'll never have the time. Maybe I can start during the next social period

  2. Yeah. Beauty Pop isn't overly long. It ACTUALLY ends. The others I 've reviewed I can't say as much for.
