Friday 29 April 2011

Review 5: Naruto

   So since I am incredibly lazy, time to review another of the big three shonen manga. Once again the video is of one of the opening songs for the anime, this one is the first shippuden opening (thanks to youtube for that video by the way). And I'll try to make this a quick review, so the summary will be VERY summarized and you'll probably find it's better than it sounds.

   So for those who haven't read the series, it is about an orphan ninja boy with a demon sealed inside of him searching for friends (then trying to save them) and trying to bring world peace.

   I liked the art, and I also liked the story until Kishimoto killed off all of the characters I found interesting (the akatsuki [main bad guys of shippuden]) and gave most of the other characters I liked minor roles in order to focus on Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke wangsting over each other. It was all peachy up until that point. After Sasuke runs away Naruto gets all whiney and it kind of seems like he has a bit of an obsession for Sasuke, and Sakura gets all whiney about Sasuke running away and about Naruto being whiney, and then we get to Sasuke. I really didn't understand this part. His brother (who he hates for killing the entire rest of his family) dies, and then some old guy who Sasuke is related to tells Sasuke that his brother killed his family for the good of the village because he loved the village so much. So Sasuke decides to destroy the village. If someone would please explain how on earth he came up with that solution, that'd be great. And then they all go into a war against the seeminly invincible old guy. Oh boy. And that's about where I stopped caring enough to read the new chapter every week.

   So in conclusion, it was a really good action/adventure-y manga until it started getting all dragged out and whiney and mildly repetetive. I certainly hope that One Piece isn't destined for the fate of the other two big three shonen manga...


  1. I enjoy the random english words and phrases in the theme. Also I tried reading Naruto once but, as with every other manga series I've read, I made it up to volume 30-something-or-other and lost interest for no reason. I just started reading One Piece though. I kind of really love Shanks a lot.

  2. oh my god I just finished listening to the theme and actually spit pepsi of my keyboard at the bit from 0:58-1:02. I was not expecting that

  3. yeah. That's my favorite opening for the anime of all the ones I've seen of Naruto. All the non-Shippuden ones I've seen are terrible. And you probably didn't miss much if you stopped reading at volume 30 ish.
